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EuroOptic Showroom & Lycoming Archery 1203 Lycoming Mall Circle Muncy, PA 17756
EuroOptic Showroom +1 (570) 368-3920
Lycoming Archery +1 (570) 980-8990
TCO Fly Shop (Located within the EuroOptic Showroom) +1 (610) 678-1899
[email protected]
Monday - Sunday: 10 AM - 6PM
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Steiner's BluHorizons 8x22 Binoculars are designed to be the perfect lightweight binocular for travel or just about any recreational activity. What makes the BluHorizons unique to other sets of binoculars is the AUTOBRIGHT™ technology found in the lenses. The lenses of the BluHorizon binoculars adapt to the ambient lighting, allowing you to see more at dawn and dusk without having to deal with the abusive glares from the sun when looking through the BluHorizon 8x22s at high noon.
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