The Mauser Model 98 was the design basis for several notable bolt action designs that followed it. Mauser-derivatives have been produced for and by national armories around the world for military application, for the simple reason that the design is extremely reliable in harsh conditions and is, therefore, extremely dependable when things start to go sideways. Variations on the Mauser design are common. The Winchester Model 70 ("Pre-64"), Springfield 1903, and more recently the Mausingfield are a few of the actions that have remained relatively true to the original Mauser 98 design.
FN's SPR series is based on the WInchester Model 70 Pre-64 action design. Variations of the FN SPR A5M XP rifle are in use by LE S.W.A.T. teams, as well as by the FBI. The featues of the SPR series address, very effectively, the two requirements associated with the type of work that these operators would demand of their rifle: accuracy and reliability. These are characteristics that competition shooters also appreciate. While a controlled-round feed ("CRF") style of bolt is not "glass smooth" during operation (as is often associated with push-feed actions), it is inherently more reliable than a push-feed action in that the case extraction and ejection operations are more positive, and the tendency for failures to eject is dramatically lower. CRF bolts "break in" with use, their operational smoothness improving. The FN SPR combines a proven action design with one of the most highly-regarded names in tactical stock production: McMillan. Additionally, the models stocked by EuroOptic feature the A5 stock, regarded by many as one of the best tactical stock designs in existence. An adjustable trigger, integrated rail, and DBM (5- and 10-round magazines are available) complete the package.